CG数据库 >> Mental Ray在Maya中使用高级训练教程

本教程包括设立着色器和所有必要的步骤,使他们在玛雅。他还详细介绍了在Photoshop合成和finaling CSDownload阶段的视频教程在这里。

Sketch and Cell Rendering Tutorial

In this video Christophe Desse show us his workflow for the creation of his sketch and cell rendering in Maya 2009. This tutorial includes setting up the shaders and all the steps necessary to render them in Maya. He also details the compositing and finaling stages in Photoshop CSDownload the video tutorial here.

Video: Another MPEG4

Video: 1024 * 768 10 fps 24 bit

Audio: 1ch 22KHz 16 bit

Mental Ray在Maya中使用高级训练教程的图片1

发布日期: 2011-1-24