CG数据库 >> 《VRay渲染器2.0 For 3DS Max》Vray ADV.Render V2.0


VRay最近更新比较快啊,这是最新的VRay2.0.10.01。压缩包里包括了支持3DSMAX9~2012的各个版本,不过2010的64位因为chaosgroup内部的某些原因并没有放出安装包 所以暂时没有2010的破解(Chaosgroup decided not to release the 2010 installers yet for some reason。)。


Build 2.10.01 official


New features新功能:

Separate VRayFlakesMtl material with just the flakes from the VRayCarPaintMtl material;

Added VRayGLSL material for direct rendering of GLSL shaders with V-Ray extensions;


Modified features改进的功能:

The V-Ray RT render server prints out some more information in GPU mode (useful for troubleshooting);

Added access to the V-Ray material override exclude list from MaxScript;

Support for the four FumeFX render elements;

Ability to call the “Calculate” and “Save to CSV file” operations on the VRayLightMeter from MaxScript;

The “Browse” button for the “Split channels” file name now opens the folder with the currently selected name (if any);

Added an environment override slot for VRayCarPaintMtl material;

Added bump slot for the base layer of VRayCarPaintMtl material;

Ability to turn off “trace reflections” for separately for each layer of the VRayCarPaintMtl material;

Added MaxScript function, vrayEditDRSettings(), to open the DR settings window;

Added possibility to specify user command-line options to 3dsmax.exe when started from the V-Ray DR spawner;

VRayMtlID and VRayObjectID render elements now have an option to generate colors instead of integers for proper antialiasing;

XML output for the VRayRenderID render element;

MaxScript-only option “dome_visibleOriginal” for dome lights to control filtering of the light texture for glossy rays;

Added an option to VRayToon to compensate the camera exposure;

Ability to map the radius in VRayDistanceTex with a texture;

Option in VRayDistanceTex for a solid inside color;

Custom V-Ray materials now work in the Hair&Fur modifier;

Hair&Fur now produces the same object ID as the emitter object;

The V-Ray bitmap to VRayHDRI converter script did not take into account the input gamma of textures;

Crash with particular pre-render script that turns off V-Ray lights before rendering;

VRayBlendMtl material blocks the material IDs of its sub-materials;

V-Ray RT: Added support for RPManager material;


Bug fixes问题修复:

Noise with “Clamp output” option enabled produced noisy renders;

Hilights from the base reflection layer of VRayCarPaintMtl material were darker than they should be;

Slow rendering with many overlapping VRayProxy primitives;

Randomly missing gizmos when rendering VRayEnvironmentFog;

VRayLights that exclude an object could still affect that object through GI;

Rendering with GI may use more detailed texture mip-map levels than necessary;

VRayHDRI may not respect the specified memory limit for tiled textures;

Crashes with particle systems with 3d displacement and motion blur enabled;

Spikes with 3d displacement with “Keep continuity” enabled and particular bad geometry;

Incorrect velocity element with VRayFur;

Image copied from VFB to clipboard had the first column of pixels swapped for the last one;

Loading an image in the V-Ray VFB with a different resolution did not work correctly;

img2tiledexr used wrong formula when converting images from sRGB color space;

vrim2exr did not preserve the pixel aspect information in the resulting .exr file;

ply2vrmesh can convert RealFlow .bin files to .vrmesh files;

VRayExposureControl was not accessible from MaxScript;

Script error when there is a VRayPlane object in the scene;

VRayPhysicalCamera in “Movie” mode was not exported correctly;

Mesh lights were not exported with the .vrscene exporter script;

Fringes on the edges of flakes in VRayCarPaintMtl material;

Crash with VRayCarPaintMtl material when rendering of texture maps is globally disabled;

Warning about “Retrace threshold” and “Use light cache for glossy rays” was printed even when not using the light cache;

Exception after rendering when the “V-Ray raw image file” is chosen and the V-Ray VFB is not enabled;

The V-Ray presets did not load if they were saved on a system where the decimal symbol is “,”;

The file save dialog for .vrimg/.exr files was not resizable;

The VRayFastSSS2 material was not exported by the .vrscene MaxScript exporter;

The VRayLightSelect element allowed the user to pick meshes instead of just lights;

Incorrect velocity element when rendering Hair&Fur natively;

The .dra file exported from the Hair&Fur plugin is now moved to the temporary 3ds Max folder instead of the root one;

Wrong spelling for “affect specular” option in VRaySun;

Slow rendering of VRayEnvironmentFog with animated Noise texture;

V-Ray RT: Objects could disappear in animation;

V-Ray RT: When used as production renderer, animation of deforming objects was ignored;

V-Ray RT: Wrong exposure when physical camera type was “Move cam” or “Video cam”;

V-Ray RT: VRayEdgesTex was listed as incompatible with V-Ray RT;

V-Ray RT: 3ds Max froze if V-Ray RT was working as an ActiveShade renderer and the user attempted to run V-Ray RT as production renderer;

V-Ray RT: .vrscene export was not correct if the system decimal symbol was “,”;

V-Ray RT: When V-Ray RT was used as production renderer and max. paths per pixel was 0, it was always reset to 64;

V-Ray RT: ActiveShade rendering is now paused when doing normal production rendering;

V-Ray RT: Render restarted when changing a perspective view, even if the ActiveShade window was locked to using another camera;

V-Ray RT: Scene was empty if motion blur was enabled;

V-Ray RT: Problem with canceling batch render of animations;

V-Ray RT: Adding new objects/lights is not reflected in the ActiveShade window in 3ds Max 2012;

V-Ray RT: Standard camera FOV animation was not working;

V-Ray RT: Support for the “Camera map per pixel” texture;

V-Ray RT: ParticleFlow systems did not update when an animation with V-Ray RT as production renderer;

V-Ray RT: Camera target distance was not updated correctly when rendering through Backburner;

V-Ray RT: Issue with VRayLightMtl material inside a VRayBlendMtl material;

V-Ray RT GPU: Textures for the color of VRayLightMtl material did not work。



Vray不用多介绍了,这是最新的2.0版,刚刚放出,大家尝尝鲜。一个三个版本六个软件包,分别是For 2009/2010/2011的32/64Bit。会逐一放出,大家稍安勿躁。







PS :貌似软件版只允许3次更新/月,上次就被人举报了。所以... ...







Bug fixes:

(*) VRayLights could render differently (brighter) from V-Ray 1.5

(*) V-Ray RT: Right-clicking in the ActiveShade window to bring the quad menu could crash 3ds Max;

(*) img2tiledexr would crash if it could not write the result due to permissions;

(*) Fixed noise with VRayBPTracer;

(*) Crash with VRayIES lights and VRayBPTracer;

The VRayLights bug required the update, as it was quite a major thing.








首先破解rt需要将cgauth.dll 复制到以下两个地方

1. C:\Program Files\Chaos Group\V-Ray\RT for 3ds Max 2011 for x64\bin\

2. C:\program files\Autodesk\3ds Max 2011



打开开始菜单里面的"chaosgroup"文件夹 找到"Select OpenCL devices",然后右键以管理员模式运行,就会出现一个opencl兼容设备列表"compatible OpenCL devices",然后你就可以选择你需要的了.在rt的设置面板你把模式设置为opencl就行了,如下图所示:

V-Ray for 3dmax介绍


V-Ray for 3dmax是3dmax的超级渲染器,是专业渲染引擎公司Chaos Software公司设计完成的拥有Raytracing(光线跟踪)和Global Illumination(全局照明)渲染器,用来代替Max原有的Scanline render(线性扫描渲染器),VRay还包括了其他增强性能的特性,包括真实的3d Motion Blur(三维运动模糊)、Micro ** Displacement(级细三角面置换)、Caustic(焦散)、通过VRay材质的调节完成Sub-suface scattering(次表面散射)的sss效果、和Network Distributed Rendering(网络分布式渲染)等等。

目前世界上出色的渲染器却为数不多,如:Chaos Software公司的vray, SplutterFish公司的brail,Cebas公司的Finalrender,Autodesk公司的Lightcape,还有运行在Maya上的Renderman等。这几款渲染器各有所长,但VRay的灵活性、易用性更见长,并且VRay还有焦散之王的美誉。


V-Ray 2.0 版本更新的部分功能:


V-Ray RT 和 V-Ray RT GPU 交互式渲染模式直接集成在该版本(此功能是核心,主流的渲染器都在GPU化)

VRayCarPaintMtl (VRay车漆材质)可以准确的模拟出车漆碎片颗粒(渲染更加便捷)

VRayDistanceTex 纹理可以计算任意网格的对象

VRayLightSelect 可以提取任意特定光源的渲染元素

VRayLensEffects 支持obstacle images 和 diffraction 的辉光和强光的渲染效果(实现了mr中的辉光特效)








4、VRAY置换里的2D landscape 模式 可以支持 HDR贴图了。


6、VRAY的 分布式渲染可以和MAX里的BACKBURNER 配合使用了。

7、 在全局替换材质里新加了一个排除物体使用全局材质功能。

8、 Vraycolor 贴图增加了一个显示应用GAMMA纠正以后的色彩功能。

9、在color mapping 里增加了一个“不影响色彩”选项,当你只想完成样本的优化的时候,就非常有用。


11、为了控制不同材质之间的益色,VRAYMTL 里增加了 “优化环境”选项。

12、在VR 的VFB里增加了直接控制 region, crop 等 渲染模式。

13、 在VR包裹材质里增加了2个参数“NO GI ON other mattes”和“GI su**ce ID”

14、钩选MATTE 物体 里的“阴影”选项,可以把它在VRayRawLighting, VRayRawShadow and VRayMatteShadow 分层渲染里显示出来。





19、irradiance map 浏览工具,可以显示多个irradiance maps在一起的结果。

20、在渲染动画时,每一帧都可以自动保存光子文件名字。包括irradiance/light cache/photon/caustics 光子文件。

21、irradiance/light cache/photon/caustics 光子文件 现在是边计算边保持,而不是以前的要当光子文件计算完才能保存。


23、VR代理物体现在每帧都可以Re-link .vrmesh 文件。比以前的只在渲染开始时Re-link好多拉。

24、VR 会直接在硬盘里写一个tiled openexr文件,如果RAW 文件的后缀为.EXR那么它和以前RAW 文件比较相似。




28、在VRaySphereFade里增加了一个affect alpha选项.





33、纠正了VRSUN和VRSKY的光学单位的亮度,但是也可以使用“Legacy model” 选项来控制是不是使用以前老版本的灯光单位。

34、纠正了VR物理相机的ISO 暴光参数,但是也可以使用“Legacy model” 选项来控制是不是使用以前老版本的灯光单位。


36、重写了VR的SSS材质内部结构,使用irradiance map 的插直计算会得到更快更光滑的结果。


whats new


The V-Ray rendering system has a rich set of features and we have listed some of the major ones below. Please be aware that every feature is a subject to change without advanced notice. To read the full list of features and capabilities visit the V-Ray documentation.


Core architecture

Multi-platform object-oriented API

Fully multithreaded core

Unified sampling system based on Schlick sampling

Distributed rendering

Efficient shading system specifically optimized for ray-tracing

Modular architecture - many components of the system can be replaced with custom ones



Efficient geometry handling

True instance rendering

On-demand dynamic geometry creation

On-demand geometry loading from disk files

Displacement mapping

Catmull-Clark and Loop subdivision su**ces

Extensible with custom geometric primitives through the V-Ray SDK


Image sampling

Three different image sampling methods

Full-scene antialiasing

Progressive path tracing

Support for additional render elements (diffuse, reflection, GI etc)

Advanced color (tone) mapping controls

Extensible with custom image samplers through the V-Ray SDK



Physically accurate full global illumination solutions

Different GI algorithms: path tracing, irradiance cache, photon maps, light cache

Reusable GI solutions for accelerated rendering of walk-through animations and animations with dynamic



Physically accurate area lights

Efficient illumination from HDR environments

Procedural sun & sky models

Extensible with custom lights through the V-Ray SDK

IES photometric lights



Physically plausible materials

Blurry reflections/refractions

Accurate hilights

Sub-su**ce scattering

Support for efficient material layering

Extensible with custom shaders through the V-Ray SDK


Camera effects

Depth-of-field with bokeh effects

Accurate motion blur

Physical camera model

Extensible with custom cameras through the V-Ray SDK



Toon effect

Fur generator/raytracer

Extended matte/shadow capabilities

Support for Render-to-Texture mode of 3ds Max

VRaySphereFade to isolate only specific portions of the scene for compositing


Frame buffer

V-Ray specific frame buffer with integrated color corrections and display of multiple rendering elements

Direct rendering to disk for extremely large images, either as OpenEXR files or as .vrimg files



- Craizyman from Turkia


- Oblique/russian hacker in RT old crack


- Wei2008 from China


- esanti crack promoter from Venezuela

(来自委内瑞拉的esanti ,破解发起人)

- DVD Play Boy

- betatester from Argentina/Spain/India...


- Dear donors



《VRay渲染器2.0 For 3DS Max》Vray ADV.Render V2.0的图片1
《VRay渲染器2.0 For 3DS Max》Vray ADV.Render V2.0的图片2

发布日期: 2011-5-11