由Digital Tutors 最新出品的Digital Tutors Getting Started with RealFlow 5教程,RealFlow 5深入学习教程
在这一系列的教程中,我们将学习使用基本的RealFlow 5。使用的RealFlow我们可以创建逼真的流体物理模拟,我们可以到其他应用程序进行将光线和渲染。
Next Limit公司的工作人员将这款强大的软件提供给人们,使用RealFlow 5可以创建出易于控制并且非常真实的高级流体模拟效果。RealFlow 5带给我们很多最新特性,在稳定性和速度方面都有很大提高。大部分用户都认为最新的版本比旧版提供了更有趣更具意义的操作性能。你可以通过观看CG电影“I Robots”(机器人)来领略RealFlow制作出的优秀效果。
教程所使用的软件:RealFlow 5and up
In this series of lessons we'll learn the basics of using RealFlow 5. Using RealFlow, we can create realistic fluid and physics simulations that we can then bring into another application to light and render.
Digital Tutors - Getting Started with RealFlow5 | project files | .flv | 694Mb
This series of lessons will introduce us to the powerful software of RealFlow so we can begin experimenting and using it for our own projects. By understanding now how emitters, daemons and objects interact, we can create and control complex simulations.
1. Introduction and project overview
3. Adding Nodes to our project and working with the UI
5. "Understanding Particle Type, Resolution and Density"
7. Changing Emitter Parameters to control particle creation
9. Using an Initial State to store simulated particle positions
11. Animating the emitter and initial daemons
13. Meshing our fluid simulation for different looks
15. Importing our mesh into Maya and basic render setup
2. Understanding RealFlow's Project management and folders
4. Using Daemons to control our particles
6. Using Particle Properties to change our simulation
8. Using Global and Exclusive links to control particle interaction
10. Importing and scaling the 3D geometry and view shading
12. Setting the Particle Fluid Interaction with the glass
14. Editing our Mesh Field parameters for sharper fluids
发布日期: 2010-10-11