由Digital Tutors 公司最新出品的Digital Tutors Exploring Animation Principles in Maya 2011 Pose to Pose and Straight Ahead教程,探索Maya 2011动画原理-姿态和直行的教程。
教程所使用的软件:Maya 2010 and higher
In this collection of lessons we will learn about the Animation Principle of Appeal.
This course will delve in the animation principle of Appeal in Maya.
1. Introduction and Project Overview
3. Tweaking the last extreme pose for Appeal
5. Fine-tuning the Animation
7. Another example of adding Appeal through composition
2. Adding Appeal thruough gestures
4. Creating a breakdown to enhance the appeal factor
6. Creating Appeal through composition
8. Refining an animation with Appeal in mind
发布日期: 2010-10-11