CG数据库 >> 《Photoshopcafe Lightroom 数字摄影师教程》Lightroom For Digital Photographers





This is the most comprehensive video on the market for Lightroom. Learn how to import, organize, develop and output all your captures with effortless ease. Enjoy in-depth coverage, pro techniques, secret tips and Colin’s way of breaking down even the most complex tasks into quick and easy to understand techniques. You’ll spend less time in front of the computer and more time behind the camera!

If you are new to Digital Photography,an old-hand or someone looking to learn the "correct" way of doing things, look no further. Watch over Colin's shoulder as he demystifies Lightroom. You'll learn all the shortcuts, tips and tricks from a true expert. Do you ever get frustrated with tutorials that don't work in the real world? In many cases Colin shows you multiple methods so that you can choose the one that's best for your photo. This is not like other training videos. The techniques aren't from a classroom bubble. This is what works today in the real-world. There are no monotone presentations with boring uninspiring images. You'll learn tons, you'll have fun and most of all you'll be inspired. See why millions of people are passionate about PhotoshopCAFE training. (6,000,000 to date).

This fast loading DVD ROM/or Download contains over 7 1/2 hours of sharp video. The advanced interface allows the user to instantly jump to any of the 79 lessons with complete control over the playback. All the lesson files are included, so you can follow along at your own pace!




What's on the disk?

Getting Started



Essential Lightroom Preferences 12:04

Importing Locally

Import images from your hard drive 6:30

Importing Flash Card

Importing images from a Flash Card or CD/DVD 5:01

Auto Import

Set up a watch folder to automatically import images 4:53


Create custom Identity Plates and use logos for End Markers 6:51


Basic overview of Lightroom and the Lights dim and lights out 5:50

Panel Management

Working with the panels efficiently 5:18

Side Panels

Overview of the side Panels 3:17


Overview of the toolbar 4:07



Working with Collections and Folders 9:11

Grid View

Working with Grid view, thumbnails and more 7:36


Using the loupe view to get a closer look at images 5:26


Comparing images against each other to find the best 6:02

Survey View

Viewing multiple images at once 4:33


What happens to produce previews and some tips 5:09

Catalog Management

How catalogs work and how to manage them 4:58

Exporting catalogs

Export Catalogs from Lightroom 3:42

Importing catalogs

Bring catalogs into Lightroom Managing your catalog on multiple computers 8:16



Use ratings, flags and labels to organize photos 7:46


Use filters to find photos by ratings, flags and labels 7:31


Understand metadata and apply it to your photos 7:13

Metadata Browser

Filter by metadata to find photos quickly 2:50

Metadata Speed Tip

Work efficiently with metadata 4:48

Keyword basics

How to use keywords to organize images 5:38

Keyword sets

Save time with custom keyword sets 5:35

Misspelled keywords

How to fix misspelled keywords on multiple images 1:17

Keyword tags

Organizing keywords 7:12

Find Presets

How to locate photos based on a wide variety of things 4:39



Making molehills out of mountains 9:21

Time Change

Change the time-zone of your photos 2:40


Straighten crooked photos 1:15


Crop to certain sizes and creatively 2:56


Get rid of the dreaded redeye with ease 1:25


Get rid of blemishes on your subject 1:34

Dust and Dirt

spotting your images. How to clean your lens and sensor –POST SHOT. 2:32


Using the painter tool to copy a wide range of settings to multiple photos 5:02


White Balance

Setting the correct White Balance 6:37


Histograms explained and used 6:30

Basic adjustments

Using the tools in the Basic Adjustments Panel 4:31

Basics skin tones

Special considerations for adjusting skin tones 11:40

Recovery, Fill Light

Fix underexposed and overexposed images 6:29

Compare before and after

Comparing your adjustments to the before image 2:52


Understanding and using curves for targeted adjustments 7:29

Color control

Use HSL and color controls 7:47


Use history and snapshots to look at versions of your photos 3:03


Saving and using Presets 4:28

Advanced Adjustments

Basic Grayscale

A basic Grayscale conversion and special considerations 4:56

Advanced Grayscale

A look at more advanced grayscale workflow 5:05

Split tone

Using split-tone on grayscale images 3:50

Cross Processing

Using Split-tone on color images for a cross-processed effect 1:18

Noise reduction

Get rid of the noise in a photo 3:16


Understanding and using the sharpening tools 4:51

Sharpening faces

Special considerations when sharpening faces 4:30

Chromatic Aberration

Removing color fringes 3:08

Lens Vignette

Compensating for lens vignette. Add a vignette for a creative feel 2:01


Correction workflow

Walkthrough of all the correction tools together 10:21

Correction People Workflow

Walkthrough of all the correction tools together with people 11:37

Edit in Photoshop

Integrate Photoshop with your Lightroom Workflow 8:10

Batch processing

Process multiple images at once 5:01

Virtual copies

Understanding Virtual copies and how to use them 4:24


Syncing RAW files with Bridge, Lightroom and Photoshop 9:11

Exporting Images

Exporting photos out of Lightroom 10:09


What is DNG and how Lightroom can help 5:58

Sharing presets

Sharing your Lightroom presets with other computers 2:27

Camera Calibration

What is Camera Calibration? 3:13


Impromptu slideshow

A Quick Slideshow 11:31

Slideshow Templates

Using Slideshow templates 2:38

Customize Slideshow

Customize your slideshows 10:43

Slideshow Text Overlay

Adding custom text to slideshows 1:38

Music to Slideshows

Add music to your slideshow presentations 3:00

Export Slideshows

Exporting Slideshows for use on CD or Email 2:48

Printing accurate colors

Workflow to get accurate colors for your prints 9:51

Contact Sheet

Creating contact sheets for proofing your image collections 7:46


Web galleries

An overview of web galleries 9:17

Airtight Galleries

Fancy Flash Galleries and how to customize 10:53

Flash Galleries

Customize the Flash Galleries 10:22

HTML Galleries

Customize the HTML Galleries 10:17

Upload Galleries

Upload your galleries to your website, or export to disk 5:22

Thanks and Goodbye :40

《Photoshopcafe Lightroom 数字摄影师教程》Lightroom For Digital Photographers的图片1

发布日期: 2011-6-9