由Digital Tutors 公司出品的Digital Tutors Introduction to Mudbox 2011教程,Mudbox 2011最新特性教程,在这个教程中,我们将学习Mudbox的基础工作,包括几何造型,绘画的纹理,构成模型和输出网格和地图。
Mudbox 是新西兰 Skymatter 公司开发的一款独立运行且易于使用的雕刻软件,由三位经验丰富的cg艺术家及一群程序员开发而成,世界顶尖的特效团队,游戏公司和艺术家正在对其进行测试。能很好的整合到制作流程中去。
Mudbox 2011 拥有众多全新的创作工具和工作流程以及软件开发工具包 (SDK),该软件开发工具包使得制作团队能够定制并将 Mudbox 整合进制作流水线。此外, Mudbox 2010还将作为欧特克新推出的数字娱乐创作套件Autodesk Entertainment Creation Suite的一部分,这将使得该技术在电影、游戏和电视工作流程的应用成本变得更低。
教程所使用的软件:Mudbox 2011
In this course we will go over the basics of working in Mudbox, including sculpting geometry, painting textures, posing models, and exporting meshes and maps.
Mudbox is a powerful creation tool for 3D artists. It allows us to sculpt very high resolution models, paint elaborate textures for them and output the meshes in a useable state. Using a project-based approach, we'll go over the basics of working in Mudbox, such as the user interface and working with geometry. We'll look at sculpting and painting topics, such as working with stamps, setting brush properties, working with Paint Layers, using Mudbox with Adobe® Photoshop® and painting multiple channels. We'll also cover methods for the creation of Vector Displacement Maps to reproduce complex detail, and we'll learn to use the Pose tools to quickly deform or pose our models. By the end of this course, you'll have the understanding you need to integrate Mudbox into your own workflow and get started sculpting and painting your own custom projects.
1. Introduction and Project Overview
3. Navigating the 3D View
5. Importing geometry into Mudbox
7. Manipulating geometry in Mudbox
9. Shaping geometry using the Grab Brush
11. Refining the shell and membrane
13. Sculpting the underside of the creature
15. Adding surface detail to the main shell
17. Sculpting the legs of the creature
19. Using sculpt layers to blend detail
21. Adding lights to Mudbox scenes
23. Painting a base color for the body of the creature
25. Adding incandescence to the membranes
27. Using the Image Adjustment Brushes to modify textures
29. Painting the creature's legs
31. Working with Mudbox and Adobe® Photoshop®
33. Using the Pose tools
2. Exploring the User Interface
4. Working with Mudbox meshes and displaying geometry
6. Working with Subdivision Levels in Mudbox
8. Sculpting and Painting basics
10. Blocking in large shapes on the creature
12. Detailing the inner shell
14. Sculpting the front and back spines
16. Detailing the creature's head
18. Creating and using Vector Displacement Maps
20. Adding and manipulating materials
22. Using the Viewport Filters
24. Painting the membranes
26. Using the Dry Brush to paint the shell
28. Painting the spine and underside of the
30. Adding detail using Projection Painting
32. Extracting maps in Mudbox
34. Working with Mudbox and Maya®
发布日期: 2010-10-13