CG数据库 >> QuickBooks 企业版 V11.0 (最完整的商务财务管理工具)

QuickBooks 企业版 V11.0速达财务企业解决方案,最完整的商务财务管理工具,最低价2,550.00 ,最高$6,375.00

速达QuickBooks 是目前市场上最好的用于商务财务软件。QuickBooks几乎含盖了所有的财务工作项目,更让人高兴的是,它的源代码现在还可以向第三方的开发人员公开。这样,程序设计人员就可以将该软件和几乎任何一种应用程序整合在一起了。不过,不要搞错了,QuickBooks并不适用于任何人。对于那些需要便宜软件的人和电子商务类型的需求者来说“桃树完全会计(Peachtree Complete Accounting)”可能会更适合于他们。不过,QuickBooks以其易于使用的特点和完整的全套财务功能,绝对不失为一家小型企业会计人员的上佳之选。

Achieve power and scalability to meet your growing business needs using our Enterprise Software Solution. Experience our best multi-user performance, controls, and capacity for thousands less than other, more complicated accounting systems

优点: 能够和超过60种应用程序共享数据;能够提供全套的财务功能,包括薪水名册、信用卡授权以及存货清单等;简单易用。

缺点: 支持费用比较昂贵;从其它的财务软件导入数据不是很方便。


—— QuickBooks家族是世界上最著名的管理软件品牌。它专业服务与中小企业的经营管理。十六年来,美国Intuit公司凭此获得了全球六百多家中小企业的信赖,占据了全球同类软件88%的市场份额。

—— 速达软件作为QuickBooks家族的中国成员,秉承国际著名品牌“精益求精,不断创新”的一贯原则,借鉴国际先进的管理经验和软件的制造技术,走上本土化道路,推出了完全适合中国中小企业使用的进销存财务一体化等十余种QuickBooks家族速达系列产品。在不到三年的时间里,一跃成为中国最大的中小企业管理软件生产商,占据了82%的国内同类软件市场份额。

—— 雄厚的资金实力,良好的经济效益,高素质的技术工程师队伍确保了速达厂品线在自我更新中日渐成熟,确保了速达具备业界同仁无法比拟的技术支持服务能力,也确保了速达能够在新的世纪里引领中国2600万中小企业实现信息时代企业数字化经营的不断进步。



As the head of your company, you know the critical decisions you make daily have both short- and long-term effects on the success of your business. One of the most important calls you can make is choosing the right software to enable your business to keep moving forward.

Busines Leaders

As the head of your company, you know the critical decisions you make daily have both short- and long-term effects on the success of your business. One of the most important calls you can make is choosing the right software to enable your business to keep moving forward.

QuickBooks Enterprise Solutions enables you to:

* Use software that’s tailored to your industry

* Always know where your business stands

* Control what users can do and see in QuickBooks

* Save thousands versus comparable systems

* Rest assured the software will scale as your business grows

Financial Managers

As the person responsible for managing the financial risks and supervising the accounting and financial reporting within your business, you know that one of the most important decisions your company can make is to choose the right software to accurately and easily manage its finances. QuickBooks Enterprise Solutions delivers the financial controls your business needs for thousands less than alternatives, plus gives you the legendary ease of use that QuickBooks is known for.

QuickBooks Enterprise Solutions enables you to:

* Get the core accounting functionality you need

* Always know where your business stands

* Create professional financial statements

* Control what users can do and see in QuickBooks

* Save thousands versus comparable systems

IT Managers

As an IT manager, you know that the inner workings of your business software can have a big impact on a company’s success. Being held back or slowed down by your software is simply not an option. QuickBooks Enterprise Solutions can make your life easier by giving your business the power, scalability, and ease of use it needs for thousands less than alternatives.

QuickBooks Enterprise Solutions allows you to:

* Get up and running in days, not months

* Save thousands versus comparable systems

* Control what users can do and see in QuickBooks

* Get the flexibility to work the way you want

* Rest assured the software will scale as your business grows

发布日期: 2010-10-13