水面塑造系统。为一、 二、和三维水力塑造的一个全面环境。包括2D有限元素、2D有限区别、3D 有限元素和1D 死水塑造工具。支持的模型包括USACE-ERDC 所支持的TABS-MD (GFGEN 、RMA2 、RMA4, SED2D-WES)、 ADCIRC 、CGWAVE 、STWAVE 、M2D 、HIVEL2D 和HEC-RAS 模型。数字模型支持在SMS 计算各种各样适用于水面塑造的信息。模型的主要应用包括浅水流程问题的水面海拔和流程速度的演算。另外的应用包括塑造污染物体迁移、盐分侵扰、沉积运输、波浪能量分散作用、波浪性质(方向、巨大和高度)等。
Aquaveo SMS v10.1.0.1 x86 | 276 MB
The Surface Water Modeling System (SMS) is a comprehensive graphic user environment for one- and two-dimensional surface water models. SMS provides GIS based graphical preprocessing tools to automate mesh generation and modeling process, and advanced post-processing visualization tools for results review and presentation. SMS included a range of hydraulic and coastal models for applications including river flow analysis, contaminant and sediment transport rural and urban flooding, estuary and inlet modeling coastal circulation and wave modeling.
1. read nfo
2. unpack
3. install
4. replace
发布日期: 2010-10-13