CG数据库 >> 《Flame电影级别影视特效合成教程》FXPHD FLM202 Flame in Production


Autodesk Flame由是Autodesk公司(译作欧特克)开发的一款高端电影剪辑和特效制作系统。Flame是用于高速合成、高级图形和客户驱动的交互设计的终极视觉特效制作系统。

Autodesk Flame 提供出色的性能和荣获奥斯卡奖的工具。从全国性的电视广告片和音乐电视到风靡一时的电影,Flame 为视觉特效艺术家成功完成制作项目提供了所需的交互性和灵活性。

FXPHD FLM202 Flame in Production

This course is in the spirit of our most popular courses here at fxphd: doing some cool shots and providing the footage for you to work along on the shots yourself. Professor and Dean Mike Seymour will be compositing a bunch of shots and looking at a range of new features in the 2009 versions of Flint/Flame. In addition to compositing shots using Flame’s built-in tools, this course will also use the Foundry’s Furnace plugins to tackle the work.






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《Flame电影级别影视特效合成教程》FXPHD FLM202 Flame in Production的图片1
《Flame电影级别影视特效合成教程》FXPHD FLM202 Flame in Production的图片6
《Flame电影级别影视特效合成教程》FXPHD FLM202 Flame in Production的图片7

发布日期: 2011-12-26