LMS Test.Lab是一整套的振动噪声试验解决方案,是高速多通道数据采集与试验、分析、电子报告工具的完美结合,包括数据采集、数字信号处理、结构试验、旋转机械分析、声学和环境试验。同时它也是一个应用开发平台。LMS Test.Lab是LMS公司20多年的技术和众多LMS Cada-X系统用户的工程经验的总结。LMS Test.Lab不仅仅是新一代的系统,它的开发引入了全新的设计理念,从数据采集、数据诠释,到可用性。
LMS Test.Lab是一整套的振动噪声试验解决方案,是高速多通道数据采集与试验、分析、电子报告工具的完美结合,包括数据采集、数字信号处理、结构试验、旋转机械分析、声学和环境试验。同时它也是一个应用开发平台。
基于LMS SCADAS III前端的优异性能,LMS Test.Lab为未来的振动噪声试验方式,提供了新的突破。其独特的工作流程设计界面,使得LMS Test.Lab为系统的易用性、高效率和数据一致性确立了新的标准。更容易设置、更快的试验、更好的数据沟通,使用LMS Test.Lab,你就能更充分地利用您的硬件和软件。
同时,LMS Test.Lab可以和LMS Tec.Manager无缝集成,进行试验数据管理,可以和LMS Virtual.Lab无缝集成,用于虚拟样机的仿真,从而赋予'集成试验室'这一概念以新的内涵。未来的试验将不再是独立的行为,而是推动整个开发过程的关键因素:从目标设定、支持虚拟仿真、一直到最终的产品优化和认定。
LMS Test.Lab第七版集成了600多项新功能和改进,适用于各种试验任务。此外,LMS Test.Lab第七版还新增了移动测试功能,为用户提供适用于车内或现场试验的最佳便携性,以及直观的系统交互性。LMS Test.Lab第七版,与紧凑可靠的LMS SCADAS Mobile前端完美结合,可支持单人数据采集,同时提供灵活的快捷键和友好的操作界面。
新版本另一项特点是提供世界上首个自动化模态分析解决方案,具有最佳的模态一致性和最短的分析时间。自动化模态参数选择(AMPS)可以在10分钟内建立非常复杂或高阻尼结构的高质量模态模型,而且不受操作者人为影响。LMS Test.Lab第七版利用创新性技术和工作流程驱动的方法,提高了从标定试验到系统级问题诊断整个开发流程中每个阶段的工作效率。
LMS Test.Lab第七版新功能:
- 新的移动测试用户界面,为车载试验提供最理想的便携性
- 完全支持LMS SCADAS Mobile,适用于谱和实时特征信号采集,锤击模态试验和实时倍频程试验
- 可以灵活选择在线、嵌入和离线三种处理方式
- 离线RPM提取,如果没有测量转速信号也能够精确捕捉RPM信号,用于振动或声学阶次分析
- 自动化模态参数选择(AMPS)——精确、可靠、快速,且不受操作者影响
- 稳态和瞬态阵列——用于声源定位——形成了以特有的声聚焦为核心的一整套声源定位方法
- 冲击响应合成和试验序列自动化——支持无人监控的长时间的且具有多种振动控制的鉴定试验
LMS Test.Lab
The integrated solution for noise and vibration testing
LMS Test.Lab is a complete, integrated solution for test-based engineering, combining high-speed multi-channel data acquisition with a full suite of integrated testing, analysis and report-generation tools. LMS Test.Lab is designed to make testing more efficient and more convenient for each and every user. It is the ideal tool for testing departments that need to be future-focused: offering the right balance between ease of use and functional flexibility. LMS Test.Lab significantly increases a test facility’s productivity, delivering more reliable results, even when the availability of prototypes is dramatically reduced.
A complete portfolio for noise and vibration testing
LMS Test.Lab offers a complete portfolio for noise and vibration testing, including solutions for acoustic, rotating machinery, and structural testing, environmental testing, vibration control, reporting and data management. With its unified interface and seamless data-sharing capability between different applications, LMS Test.Lab offers users tremendous efficiency gains with the added benefit of real ease-of-use. In addition, the LMS Test.Lab solution can handle standard, repetitive tests as well as more advanced troubleshooting in one single software and hardware package. This guarantees maximum scalability and optimal investment protection.
A complete portfolio for noise and vibration testing
LMS Test.Lab offers a complete portfolio for noise and vibration testing, including solutions for acoustic, rotating machinery, and structural testing, environmental testing, vibration control, reporting and data management. With its unified interface and seamless data-sharing capability between different applications, LMS Test.Lab offers users tremendous efficiency gains with the added benefit of real ease-of-use. In addition, the LMS Test.Lab solution can handle standard, repetitive tests as well as more advanced troubleshooting in one single software and hardware package. This guarantees maximum scalability and optimal investment protection.
Built-in productivity
With its unique workflow-based interface, LMS Test.Lab sets new standards for ease-of-use, productivity and data consistency. The software naturally follows the test campaign process, guiding the user through the different steps and suggesting optimal settings for measurement and analysis parameters. Engineers really appreciate LMS Test.Lab’s streamlined integration with the LMS SCADAS data acquisition product family. With one single hardware and software platform, they can cover all laboratory and in-field tests as well as recorder-based testing jobs. Embedded analysis during data acquisition speeds up the testing process and guarantees the right data right from the start. LMS Test.Lab permits on-the-spot test result validation against targets and traces the root cause of a problem directly to the source ñ making sure that the testing time is used in the best possible manner.
Right to the source of noise and vibration issues
With LMS Test.Lab, there is no beating around the bush with trial-and-error troubleshooting. LMS Test.Lab guides users directly to the source of the problem using comprehensive, integrated analysis capabilities and LMS’ unique source-transmitter-receiver methodology. Users of all levels can trace the fundamental cause of a problem and solve it effectively, cost-efficiently and quickly. In short, it is a measurement and analysis tool that makes an engineer’s life easier.
Adapted to the changing world of testing
Virtual models have no value unless they accurately represent real life. This requires high-quality modeling techniques and accurate load data. By testing existing components and benchmarking competitive products for target setting purposes, LMS Test.Lab is extensively used to front-load data into the simulation process. It provides loading information and feedback to update virtual models, and is systematically used to provide test-derived component and sub-assembly models that are too complex to model virtually from scratch. Easy to integrate into LMS Virtual.Lab and LMS Imagine.Lab as well as other simulation packages, LMS Test.Lab provides the critical support to making virtual simulation efficient and realistic.
发布日期: 2010-10-20