CG数据库 >> 《Unity手机游戏开发保存数据与Highscores》Digital-Tutors Unity Mobile Game Development: Saving









Unity Mobile Game Development: Saving Data and Highscores

In this Unity

tutorial, we’ll learn how to save data between play sessions with PlayerPrefs

and create a highscore level for deployment to iOS or Android. Through these

lessons we’ll learn how we can use the GUI class to draw various text and images

on our screen. From there, we will examine time-saving techniques for placing

our GUI elements with the inspector accurately. We'll learn how we can use

arrays to store multiple pieces of data and how we can display lists using for

loops. Then we'll refactor our array into a highscore class. With our display

set up, we will learn the commands to access our player prefs and the logic we

need to sort and store our data. Finally we'll see how we can use mobile

keyboards and examine a faster method of saving data for mobile platforms. From

basic preferences like display settings to more complex structures like high

scores, it's important to understand how to save data after we close our game.

《Unity手机游戏开发保存数据与Highscores》Digital-Tutors Unity Mobile Game Development: Saving的图片1

发布日期: 2012-3-10