CG数据库 >> 《专业制鞋 CAD/CAM 解决方案》Delcam Crispin PatternCut 2012 R1 SP3 & Enginee

Delcam CRISPIN 是一款基于 PC 运行的专业制鞋 CAD/CAM 解决方案,是公认的全球领先、唯一能为制鞋业提供数字化全面解决方案的软件系统,包含从鞋楦、鞋款设计到 2D 样板工程、级放和鞋片切割、鞋底鞋模配件设计与加工、检测、逆向工程等多个软件模块,每个模块都可以独立运行。它为鞋类企业各设计部门,开发部门,制造部门和供应商提供了一个统一的工作平台,使他们能快速、有效地进行鞋类 2D、3D 设计、造型、逆向工程、放码、制造(包括工艺)。Delcam CRISPIN Orthopaedic 矫形和定制鞋 CAD/CAM 系统,和矫形鞋垫设计与加工系统OrthoModel和OrthoMill,更是该领域的一款绝对领先的产品。

Delcam CRISPIN 软件强劲、灵活的功能,使鞋业设计师能解除传统设计方法的约束,最大限度地发挥他们的创造性。有了它,制鞋厂商能显著缩短新款鞋的上市时间,提高市场份额,增加公司利润。

Delcam CRISPIN 提供以下解决方案....

● 扫描鞋楦、扫描脚型、设计和加工定制鞋

● 鞋楦工程与级放,输出到CAM加工系统

● 鞋类设计、视觉仿真和制造

● 鞋底鞋模设计、级放和加工

● 鞋类概念设计、建模、鞋底工程和级放

● 样板开发、级放和评估

● 针车程序及制版

● 工艺表单

● 排料及切割样板

● 成本核算

● 矫形鞋和定制鞋CAD/CAM

● 矫形鞋垫的设计与加工

● 硬件解决方案


Delcam CRISPIN 产品特点:

● 支持多种数据输入方式

● 精确鞋楦测量工具

● 快速、精确的楦面展平

● 交互、灵活的装饰件设计平台

● 直接在鞋楦上进行 3D 鞋款设计

● 3D 款式线条精确展平到 2D

● 将现有设计款式套用在别的鞋楦上,可快速生成一个全新的样式

● 完全用户化精准级放

● 广告质感的设计效果图

● 输出快速成型所需的 STL 模型

● 使用模板系统快速、简便地生成工艺图

● 快速简便地切割鞋片并输出到众多的切割机

Delcam 在制鞋业有大量的用户和极高的声誉, Nike , adidas , CONVERSER 、 Reebok 、 ECCO 、 Clarks 、 KAPPA、RED WING 、 MODA 、台湾宝成、台湾丰泰、李宁、安踏、特步、361度、乔丹、红蜻蜓、泰国 PANTECH GROUP 制鞋集团等都是 Delcam 用户,用户总数多达 3500 个以上。Delcam CRISPIN在软件的销售额和市场占有率上都处于绝对的垄断地位,是制鞋软件领域一款绝对领先的产品。

Delcam Crispin PatternCut 2012 R1 SP3 & Engineer Pro 2011 R2 SP5

Together Delcam CRISPIN provide the only complete footwear CAD/CAM solution that is designed to help you speed up your footwear design and manufacturing processes and reduce your product time to market.

Delcam's History

In 1965 Donald Welbourn, Director in Industrial Co-operation at Cambridge University, had the vision to see the possibility of using computers to assist pattern makers to solve the problems of modeling difficult 3D shapes.

Today we take for granted 3D modeling, in 1965 only crude 2D drawing systems were available using terminals linked to large main frame computers.

Initial work was sponsored by the Science Research Council but finding money to support the development was a constant problem for Donald Welbourn. In 1973 Donald persuaded his friend Lord Caldecote, then chairman of the Delta Metal Group and an ex-Cambridge engineer, to send Delta graduate engineer Ed Lambourne to work on the development of DUCT at Cambridge University Engineering Department, ultimately leading to transferal of the system into industry. In 1974 Donald also obtained sponsorship from Control Data in Europe in the form of access to their powerful time-sharing computing resources. Control Data offered DUCT initially on its time-sharing bureau service, especially to two of its largest German customers Volkswagen and Daimler Benz.....


The CRISPIN name is recognised internationally for providing world-leading design and manufacturing software for the footwear industry. At Delcam we pride ourselves in our relationship with our customers, providing cutting edge solutions with premium training and support.

Delcam CRISPIN is a member of SATRA

Together Delcam CRISPIN provide the only complete footwear CADCAM solution that is designed to help you speed up your footwear design and manufacturing processes and reduce your product time to market.

Our Footwear Solutions provide the necessary tools to help you produce high quality footwear that is right first time. CRISPIN offers you a comprehensive, powerful, yet easy-to-use footwear design and manufacturing solution that requires minimal training.

Delcam CRISPIN are unique in the industry in being capable of providing software for the full lifecycle of a complete footwear product.

- Engineer Pro

Engineer Pro lets you produce 2D sample and graded footwear patterns for manufacturing in the fastest possible time, whilst helping you to manage your tooling costs. Advanced tools like 'Edge Templates' cut your pattern development time dramatically, improving throughput and reducing time to market.

- PatternCut

PatternCut is an extremely simple to use nesting and cutting solution that can produce your sample or graded production patterns from paper, card or plastic. The efficient nesting software helps save material costs especially when cutting or routing plastics or pattern board for producing markers or brass bound patterns. PatternCut interfaces to many types of cutting table, so your older cutting hardware could be utilised.








《专业制鞋 CAD/CAM 解决方案》Delcam Crispin PatternCut 2012 R1 SP3 & Enginee的图片1
《专业制鞋 CAD/CAM 解决方案》Delcam Crispin PatternCut 2012 R1 SP3 & Enginee的图片2

发布日期: 2012-4-1