CG数据库 >> 《Mudbox 2012新功能训练教程》Digital-Tutors Introduction to Mudbox 2012

本教程是由Digital-Tutors机构最新出品的Mudbox 2012新功能训练教程。

Autodesk® Mudbox™  由电影、游戏和设计行业的专业艺术家设计,为三维建模人员和纹理艺术家提供了创作自由性,而不用担心技术细节。Mudbox 是一个杰出的数字雕刻和纹理绘画解决方案,结合了高度直观的用户界面和强大的创作工具集,可用于制作超逼真的三维模型。Mudbox 打破了传统三维建模软件的模型,提供了一种包括二维和三维层的基于笔刷的有机三维建模体验,可以轻松管理多个网格和贴图上的雕刻与绘画迭代。您也可以在一个目标环境中评估或呈现您的作品,从而确保准确、逼真的结果。

开发团队的高端影视行业背景更使得该软件拥有无与伦比的性能。据称 weta 已经在生产线上彻底放弃了 Zbrush,而转向目前仍在Beta开发中的这款神秘雕塑建模软件 Mudbox。Mudbox 已在去年被用于《金刚》的制作生产线中。


Digital-Tutors : Introduction to Mudbox 2012

3 hrs. 28 min. |Released on June 30, 2011 |Project Files Included (2149 MB)

Required Software: Mudbox 2012 and up

In this course we will go over every thing you need to know to start using Mudbox 2012.

In this series of lessons you will get a ground up look at the powerful sculpting and texture painting application, Mudbox. We will begin by taking a look at the Mudbox interface and talking about the basics of working with geometry in Mudbox. We will cover methods for getting geometry into Mudbox, how to transform it around the scene, and subdivide it in preparation for sculpting. We will proceed from there by using a project based approach to cover the sculpting and painting tools. We will also create our own Vector Displacement Maps that we can use to sculpt. We will talk about changing our tool properties to get different results and using stamps and stencils to create various looks. We will go over some on-target presentation features in Mudbox and move on to painting textures. We will cover the Mudbox paint layer functionality and talk about new features in 2012 like uv-less PTEX painting and layer masks. We will talk about the Pose tools and painting opacity maps for our meshes. We'll finish up by talking about how Mudbox integrates with other applications like Photoshop, Maya, 3ds Max, and Softimage. This course will give you the chance to learn the ins and outs of Mudbox by going through the process with a project based approach. Once you have completed these lessons, you will be able to take what you have learned and apply it to your own work.

30 videos in this course

1. Introduction and project overview

2. Overview of the user interface

3. Navigating the 3d view

4. Using Mudbox starting points

5. Importing geometry

6. Subdividing geometry

7. Working with geometry

8. Overview of the sculpting and painting tools

9. Beginning the dragonfly sculpt

10. Detailing the dragonfly body

11. Detailing the dragonfly head

12. Adding surface detail with stamps

13. Using the pose tools to shape the legs

14. Sculpting the legs

15. Creating and using Vector Displacement Maps

16. Using sculpt layers

17. Working with materials

18. Adding lights to the scene

19. Using the viewport filters

20. Adding a base color to the body

21. Painting the main body color

22. Using layer masks to modify the texture

23. Adjusting the body color

24. Painting the leg texture

25. Painting an opacity map for the wings

26. Painting the wing color

27. Using PTEX to paint the eyes

28. Modifying textures with Photoshop

29. Extracting maps in Mudbox

30. Integrating Mudbox with other applications

《Mudbox 2012新功能训练教程》Digital-Tutors Introduction to Mudbox 2012的图片1

发布日期: 2011-7-31