CG数据库 >> 《Photoshop角色性格刻画教程》Capturing the Essence of a Character in Photoshop

本教程是由Digital-Tutors机构出品的Photoshop CS5 角色性格刻画教程,时长4小时22分,附工程文件。


CS5加入了全面改进后的高清视频渲染引擎Mercury,尤其是其视频处理软件Premiere Pro。Mercury可以利用显卡的图形处理能力加速对高清格式视频的编解码和播放,当然不是所有的显卡,由于和NVIDIA之前达成的协议,Mercury只 支持NVIDIA的显卡。

CS5的另一个亮点是新增了一款软件Flash Catalyst,这款新的软件将作为Flash的另一个选择专门为 设计师和美工量身定做,以挑战微软Expression Studio。

Digital-Tutors : Capturing the Essence of a Character in Photoshop CS54 hrs. 22 min. |Released on May 2, 2011 |Project Files Included (82 MB) Required Software: Photoshop CS5 and up

In this collection of lessons we will learn how to capture the essence of a character based on their back story and then execute it in a final character concept.

We will begin this process by taking a look at the character bio and learning a bit about our character. After exploring the detailed information we have been supplied with, we will get started by first learning about a few areas that are critical to successfully capturing our character’s essence. We will learn about the importance of her anatomy, pose, hairstyle and wardrobe. After a few quick explorations in each of these areas, we will get started in painting our final character concept from start to finish. After completing this course, you should have some great ideas on how you can create more effective and appealing character designs.


25 videos in this course

1. Introduction and project overview

2. Character back story

3. Character anatomy and pose

4. Exploring hair styles for our character

5. Exploring wardrobe options for our character

6. Beginning the final character concept

7. Continuing to block in shapes for clothing

8. Beginning to bring out the volume in the initial shapes

9. Beginning to add detail to the character's vest

10. Continuing to add detail to the character's vest

11. Adding detail to the character's undershirt and utility belt

12. Continuing to add detail to the character's utility belt

13. Detailing the belt buck and ammunition magazines

14. Beginning to detail the character's pants

15. Adding detail to the character's pants pocket and holster

16. Beginning to detail wrinkles in the character's pants

17. Continuing to detail wrinkles in the character's pants

18. Beginning to detail the character's right boot

19. Continuing to detail the character's right boot

20. Finishing the detail in the character's right boot

21. Beginning to detail the character's left boot

22. Continuing to detail the character's left boot

23. Finishing the character's left boot and pants around the boots

24. Painting throwing knives and final tweaks

25. Adding final shadows and specular highlights


《Photoshop角色性格刻画教程》Capturing the Essence of a Character in Photoshop的图片1
《Photoshop角色性格刻画教程》Capturing the Essence of a Character in Photoshop的图片2
《Photoshop角色性格刻画教程》Capturing the Essence of a Character in Photoshop的图片3

发布日期: 2011-8-24