CG数据库 >> Lynda – Repairing and Enhancing Video

Lynda – Repairing and Enhancing Video的图片1

Intermediate | 3h 17m | 3.46 GB | Project Files | Software used: After Effects, Premiere Pro

Title: Lynda – Repairing and Enhancing Video

Info: Nonlinear editors like Final Cut Pro and Premiere Pro aren’t the only solutions for repairing and enhancing video. You can use tools like Adobe Photoshop, After Effects, and even Illustrator to correct problems like lens distortion, camera shake, excessive noise and grain, and overblown exposure. This course covers innovative technical and creative techniques for bringing footage back to life. Learn how to clone and heal video, fix alignment, and recover exposure. Instructor Rich Harrington also introduces advanced techniques for speeding up and slowing down video, rotoscoping footage, and using the numerous creative color and texture effects in Photoshop and After Effects. If your footage has ever needed some extra attention, this course is for you.

中间| 3h 17m | 3.46 GB |项目文件|软件使用后的效果,Premiere Pro


信息:非线性编辑器,如最终削减亲和首映亲不是唯一的解决方案,以加强和提高视频。你可以使用像Adobe PS图象处理软件工具后的效果,甚至像Illustrator纠正镜头畸变问题相机抖动,噪声和过大的颗粒,和过分的暴露。本课程包括创新的技术和创造性的技术,使影片重现生命。了解如何克隆和修复视频,修复对齐,并恢复曝光。教师丰富的哈林顿还介绍了先进技术加快和放慢视频,对位镜头,和使用后对众多创意色彩和PS图象处理软件和织构的影响。如果你的录像带需要特别注意,这门课是为你准备的。