CG数据库 >> Producer Loops – Vocal House Anthems Vol 2 Wav/Midi

Producer Loops – Vocal House Anthems Vol 2 Wav/Midi的图片1

NU DiSCO | 27.03.18 | Wav/Midi | 800 MB

Vocal House Anthems Vol 2' is the long-awaited, much-requested followup to this hugely popular series of incredible male vocals & killer instrumentals. Crafted by a top producer with releases on Spinnin', Ultra, Sony & Toolroom and with vocals inspired artists like Adam Lambert, John Martin & Francesco Yates, this is the ultimate resource for those striving for major label signings.

If you're looking for commercial success (and who isn't?), then you'll find this collection an incredible asset in taking your productions to the next level.

Here you'll find five Construction Kits bursting with that quintessential Korg M1 sound, plucks, mallets, professional topline vocals, searing pads, and so much more.

Of course, all of this content is 100% Royalty-Free and comes with an impressive feature set for professional producers who need added control.

女迪斯科 |27.03.18 |Wav/Midi |800 MB

声乐歌曲2卷 ' 是期待已久的, 对这个非常流行的一系列令人难以置信的男性声乐和杀手器乐曲的随访。由一个顶级制片人制作的旋转 ', 超, 索尼和 Toolroom 和声乐启发艺术家像亚当兰伯特, 约翰马丁和弗朗西斯, 这是最终的资源, 为那些争取主要的标签签约。

如果你正在寻找商业上的成功 (谁不是?), 那么你会发现这个集合是一个令人难以置信的资产, 把你的作品, 以一个新的水平。

在这里你会发现五建筑套件爆裂与这一典型的英德. 克格 M1 声音, 采摘, 槌, 专业背部声乐, 灼热垫, 等等。

当然, 所有这些内容是100% 免版税, 并与一个令人印象深刻的功能集为专业生产者谁需要增加控制。