Cubebrush – Hero Anatomy En Vol. 4 The Body
In each block of muscles I will explain how to generate the shape of each one of them, and how they are connected through tendons to the bones respectively.
Through 39 classes you will learn everything you need to model an anatomically correct character, you will learn muscle by muscle with its name in english and recommendations to apply this knowledge to your future projects. The course contains the following topics: – Norms – Masks – Polygroups – Pectorals – Deltoid – Trapezius – Teres and infraspinatus – Dorsal – Serratus – Abs – Torso – Arms – Legs
This knowledge will be part of your tools as a professional, will represent a differentiator against those who ignore the contribution that anatomy makes to a job, creating quality characters, no matter if it is realistic, cartoon, manga or whatever style you choose.
Cubebrush-英雄解剖学 En 卷4身体
在每块肌肉, 我将解释如何产生的形状, 他们每一个, 以及如何通过肌腱连接到骨骼分别。
通过39节课, 你将学习你需要的一切来建模一个解剖上正确的字符, 你将学习肌肉的肌肉与它的名字在英语和建议, 将这些知识应用于未来的项目。本课程包含以下主题:-规范-面具-Polygroups-胸鳍-正三角形-斜方肌-圆和冈下肌-背部-锯-Abs-躯干-手臂-腿
这种知识将成为你的专业工具的一部分, 将代表一个区别于那些忽视了解剖学对工作的贡献, 创造质量的字符, 无论是现实的, 卡通, 漫画或任何风格你选择。