Beginner | 5h 49m | 912 MB | Project Files | Software used: AutoCAD
Title: Lynda – AutoCAD Mechanical Essential Training (updated Mar 29, 2018)
Info: AutoCAD Mechanical includes the very best of AutoCAD along with industry-specific libraries of parts and tools for mechanical engineering, making it a must-learn application for anyone involved in the design and construction of machinery. This course covers the basics of the AutoCAD Mechanical 2018 user interface and leads you step-by-step through producing precise, measured mechanical engineering drawings and designs. Shaun Bryant teaches you how to structure your drawings and data, create and edit geometry, generate parts from the library, and annotate your drawings. Once your designs are adequately detailed, he shows how to create documentation and perform design calculations you’ll need for manufacturing. Last but not least, learn how to create templates that are customized to suit your AutoCAD Mechanical workflow, complete with layers, properties, and parts lists.
初学者| 5h 49m | 912 MB |项目文件|软件:AutoCAD
信息:AutoCAD机械包括最优秀的AutoCAD,以及机械工程的零件和工具的特定行业库,使它成为任何参与机械设计和施工的人必须学习的应用程序。本课程涵盖AutoCAD机械2018用户界面的基础知识,并带领您逐步制作精确的、经过测量的机械工程图纸和设计。Shaun Bryant教您如何构造绘图和数据,创建和编辑几何图形,从库中生成部件,并注释绘图。一旦你的设计足够详细,他就展示了如何创建文档和执行你需要的设计计算。最后但并非最不重要的是,学习如何创建定制的模板,以适应您的AutoCAD机械工作流程,完成层,属性和零件清单。