CG数据库 >> 3DMotive – Intro to Unity Volume 5

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Duration 1h MP4

Title: 3DMotive – Intro to Unity Volume 5


In this comprehensive Intro to Unity 2017 course for beginners, instructor Alan Thorn explores how to get started making games using the Unity engine. In just a few hours, you’ll learn how to design and build games easily with professional-grade development tools; no previous experience required. Design levels, define behaviours and create playable experiences that are fun for everybody as you learn game development software, step by step. This course explores Unity fundamentals, such as how to create interesting worlds, how to animate and configure 3D Objects, and how to construct a game for desktop PCs. Plus, we’ll see how to import custom content and models (including your own 3D models) from external tools directly into your games. In addition, we’ll see more advanced features too, including object physics, NPC intelligence, post-processing camera effects; particle systems and lot’s more. By the end of this course, you’ll be strongly positioned to create interesting games independently, and you’ll be ready to tackle more advanced challenges that push your knowledge to the next level. This is the place for all aspiring game developers to get started with confidence!

持续时间1h MP4



在这个综合介绍2017统一课程的初学者,导师Alan Thorn探讨如何开始制作游戏使用Unity引擎。在几个小时内,你将学会如何用专业级的开发工具轻松地设计和制作游戏,不需要以前的经验。设计水平,定义行为和创造可玩的经验,这对每个人来说都是有趣的,因为你学习游戏开发软件,一步一步。本课程探索统一的基础,例如如何创建有趣的世界,如何动画和配置3D对象,以及如何为桌面PC构建一个游戏。此外,我们将看到如何从外部工具直接导入自定义的内容和模型(包括您自己的3D模型)到您的GA中。MES。此外,我们还将看到更先进的特性,包括对象物理、NPC智能、后处理相机效果、粒子系统和PLOT。在本课程结束的时候,你将强有力地独立地创建有趣的游戏,并且你将准备好迎接更高级的挑战,将你的知识推向下一个层次。这是所有有抱负的游戏开发者开始自信的地方!