Photigy – Studio Lighting and Natural Sunlight in 3DS Max with Ilya Plotnikov
One of my favorite writers, Scott Adams said: “every additional skill doubles your odds for success”. There are three of them I’m going to cover over the next two and a half hours: 3D modeling, visualization, post production. There’s not much modeling, because I don’t want you to stuck with the least interesting job.
I focused on 3D visualization which is mostly about lighting than anything else and post production which most of the times can turn even average image into a great one.
photigy–演播室灯光和自然光在3ds Max和Ilya Plotnikov
我最喜欢的作家之一,Scott Adams说:“每一个额外的技能都会使你成功的几率加倍。”在接下来的两个半小时里,我将覆盖三个:3D建模、可视化、后期制作。没有太多的模型,因为我不想让你陷入最不有趣的工作。