Samsung UE48JU7000
max | fbx | 3D Models | 10 MB
NEW Samsung UE48JU7000. The model went on sale on the Russian market in May this year. The model is made in some detail only the fact that very little for references and rear panel was unable to detail. Successful renderings! Thank you! The model is: 14579 polygons.
三星 UE48JU7000
最大 |fbx |3D 型号 |10 MB
新的三星 UE48JU7000。该车型今年5月在俄罗斯市场上销售。模型在一些细节仅被做很少为参考和后方小组无法细节的事实。成功的渲染!谢谢!该模型是: 14579 多边形。