CG数据库 >> AE 复古和电影调色预设包(Mac/Win)Epic Cinema & Old Vintage Presets

creativedojo 机构出品的一套AE高级调色预设,包含电影质感调色预设套装和复古怀旧的调色预设套装,


调色预设包适用于 Mac 和 Win 电脑系统下的:After Effects CS4,CS5,CS6,CC 或者更高版本。

First of all, the Dojo Packs are officially released! Cinema Impact, now called Epic Cinema, has been updated with more presets, additional controls, tweaks, and adjustments.

In addition to Epic Cinema, I created a new pack called Old Vintage.

These packs are easy to install (with a new fancy Windows installer as well) and work with After Effects CS4 and above (Mac and Windows).

AE 复古和电影调色预设包(Mac/Win)Epic Cinema & Old Vintage Presets的图片1

发布日期: 2014-3-23