CG数据库 >> AE教程 使用表达式制作一个无缝循环线条幅 带工程文件



使用到表达式和一些基本的数学运算,我们将节省我们大量的工作时间,并可以实现一个很棒的效果!让我们打开After Effects中,准备开始学习吧。

In this tutorial, you will learn how to create a line that loops seamlessly.

We will be able to control the amount of loops and the distance between each loop very easily using the rigged system we will create.

Using expressions and some basic mathematics, our rig will save us tons of time and help achieve a great result! Lets open up After Effects, and get started.


AE教程 使用表达式制作一个无缝循环线条幅 带工程文件的图片1

发布日期: 2014-4-1