CG数据库 >> AE专业快速抠像插件 Aescripts Screen Equalizer v1.0.0(带使用教程)

Aescripts 机构出品的一款抠像辅助插件 Screen Equalizer v1.0.0,




Screen Equalizer is a sophisticated screen leveling tool for Adobe After Effects developed on industry proven methods for evening out chroma key defects.

It allows you to leverage a clean plate of your chroma key backdrop to even out wrinkles, defects, or uneven lighting on your greenscreen footage, saving you hours of roto or multipass keying.

In some cases you can simply add Equalizer to a shot and then pull a single click key solution with your keyer of choice, allowing you to spend your time perfecting the shot, instead of struggling to pull a good key.


AE专业快速抠像插件 Aescripts Screen Equalizer v1.0.0(带使用教程)的图片1

发布日期: 2014-4-30