CG数据库 >> FCPX多种风格色彩预置调色预设 Color Board Presets by Oliver Peters

Final Cut Pro X非常强大的色彩校正工具,多种风格预置调色预设。

Apple’s Final Cut Pro X includes a deceptively simply – often confusing – yet extremely powerful color correction tool, commonly known as the Color Board.

Custom grading “looks” are all the rage and FCP X includes a number of ways to stylize an image, including a selection of presets that can be applied in the Color Board.

In addition, users can create and store their own presets, simply by saving a correction that they particularly like or want to re-use on other shots.

When you save a preset, that creates a .

cboard file, which is saved into the Color Presets folder located in the User / Movies / Final Cut Events folder.

These files can be copied and pasted to other systems at that same location and thus become available for use within Final Cut Pro X on another machine.

UPDATE: If you have upgraded to FCP X 10.

1, this location has changed to the user Library, which by default is hidden.

Hold down the Option key while selecting the Finder Go menu.

This will expose the user Library.

Now create or navigate to the Color Presets folder.

User Library / Application Support / ProApps / Color Presets.

So far in my limited testing, previously-created color board presets (.

cboard) are compatible with 10.



FCPX多种风格色彩预置调色预设 Color Board Presets by Oliver Peters的图片1

发布日期: 2014-5-28