CG数据库 >> AE优化和修正视频素材教程 Digital Tutors – Optimizing Video Footage in After Effects

在本系列教程中,我们将讨论一些他们的方法可以使用??After Effects中进行改进和修正视频片段。






In this series of tutorials, we’ll talk about some of they ways you can make improvements and corrections to video footage using After Effects.

We’ll start by stabilizing shaky footage shot by a handheld camera.

We’ll use the Warp Stabilizer effect to smooth the motion in our shot and we’ll talk about which settings to use for different types of footage and what results to expect.

We’ll go through the process of using the clone stamp tool to remove specs left on our footage by a dirty camera lens.

Then, we’ll give brightness and vibrancy to a scene shot in poor lighting.

Finally, we’ll go through the process of removing a large object from moving footage by creating a filler in Photoshop and keeping it in place by using tracking data that’s been exported from mocha.

By the end of this training you should have more confidence optimizing your video footage for your next project.

AE优化和修正视频素材教程 Digital Tutors – Optimizing Video Footage in After Effects的图片1

发布日期: 2014-6-19