CG数据库 >> AE快速渲染预设脚本 Render Templates v1.0 (Aescripts) 带教程


比AE自带的渲染队列render queue更快,如果你创建的项目结构相同,只需一个点击就可以渲染项目到正确的文件夹。

Quicker than the render queue, if you always create your project structures the same, render to the right folder for the right project in one click.


1-Click Options

Shift click – render all selected comps in project panel.

Click- render the active comp.


Automatic folders for sequences.

Remembers templates between sessions.

Date-stamp files and folders. (user editable)

Add to Queue only option for batch rendering.

Import last file and drop on top of current comp.

兼容性: After Effects CC, CS6, CS5.5, CS5, CS4

AE快速渲染预设脚本 Render Templates v1.0 (Aescripts) 带教程的图片1

发布日期: 2014-6-30