CG数据库 >> c4d机器人绑定骨架教程 Cinema4dtutorial Xpresso Rigging Mechanical Robot

在本教程中,我们将学习如何在CINEMA 4D绑定机器人。

这个过程中,我们使用一个非常简单的工具,我们使用CINEMA 4D R14中的Xpresso。




In this tutorial , we will learn how, how to do the rigging in cinema 4d tutorial, for this process we use a very simple tool that is the xpresso which we have two different versions from the cinema 4d r14 for forward.

We also teach how to do the cabling system that sometimes we become a little more complicated.

This robot is very used in movies such as Elysium, Robocop, and games like gear of war or halo.

(Note) this tutorial is not about modeling the robot , is about how to connect the different parts of the robot to the animation.

As always include the robot with rigging valued at $150 in the market for 3d with its configuration without flicker vray.


c4d机器人绑定骨架教程 Cinema4dtutorial Xpresso Rigging Mechanical Robot的图片1

发布日期: 2014-7-2