CG数据库 >> c4d建筑楼房倒塌效果特效教程 Cinema4dtutorial Building Collapse Tutorial

在本CINEMA 4D教程中,我们教如何创建一个建筑物楼房倒塌效果,在现实中这并不复杂,但如果很费力。


In this tutorial we teach how to create a building collapse with cinema 4d tutorials ,In reality this is not that complicated, but if very laborious.

the cinema 4d tutorials Within these programs, only say that so many are not necessary since a program such as cinema 4d , replaces After effects use.

In the making, we can observe, it is an alpha compositing to chrome.

Here we add a virtual stage such as buildings.

As the virtual camera and real camera, follow the same movements, then virtual images and real life, seem to be filmed at the same time which are perfectly integrated with this digital tutors.

in cinema 4d tutorials.

c4d建筑楼房倒塌效果特效教程 Cinema4dtutorial Building Collapse Tutorial的图片1

发布日期: 2014-7-3