CG数据库 >> 【GSG新插件】c4d程序无缝循环动画插件 Grayscalegorilla Signal v.1.0 for Cinema 4D

Signal是灰猩猩Greyscalegorilla(GSG)新出的一个Cinema 4D无缝循环动画插件,它可以允许你在Cinema 4D中创建简单的程序性动画而不需要编辑时间线的任何参数。


Signal is a new Cinema 4D plugin from Greyscalegorilla that allows for easy procedural animation for any parameter inside of Cinema 4D without using the timeline.

Add wiggle and noise, or make perfect loops using Signal. Animate textures, deformers, mograph, dynamics, position, scale, and rotation. Anything!

Seamless Looping

Create animated GIFs or loop able audio-visual backdrops with ease.

Set your loop point and everything stays in sync.

Even noise.

【GSG新插件】c4d程序无缝循环动画插件 Grayscalegorilla Signal v.1.0 for Cinema 4D的图片1

发布日期: 2014-7-30