CG数据库 >> AE影片跟踪和稳定修复教程 After Effects Guru: Tracking and Stabilizing Footage (Lynda)

由在前期拍摄中视频素材可能出现一些抖动画面,无论是取出相机抖动或跟踪摄像机的运动,本期教程讲使用After Effects中跟踪反求摄像机轨迹,从而修复画面稳定等技巧教程。

Whether it’s removing camera shake or tracking a camera’s movement, After Effects has you covered.

You can apply a variety of techniques to smooth out the camera movement in a shot, using the After Effects Warp Stabilizer VFX effect, and track the camera to add objects into a scene realistically.

Rich Harrington shows you how in this installment of After Effects Guru.


Analyzing footage

Using the 3D camera tracker to stabilize footage

Choosing and moving a target

Adding 3D text to a scene

Tracking an object

Applying the Warp Stabilizer VFX

Choosing a stabilization method

Reducing rolling shutter distortion

Matching movement

AE影片跟踪和稳定修复教程 After Effects Guru: Tracking and Stabilizing Footage (Lynda)的图片1

发布日期: 2014-7-31