CG数据库 >> AK新AE插件三维图层预合成脚本 3D Pre-Compose 带第153期教程

AE大神又为我们制作一个AE脚本,就是3D Pre-Compose。

3D Pre-Compose可以对3D图层预合成,不会丢失摄像机灯光属性,同时,表达式也不会被破坏!!

What is this script for? The 3D Pre-Compose Script makes it easy to pre-compose 3D-aware layers by automatically copying all cameras & lights into the new comp with linked expressions! Just watch the tutorial to see all the amazing possibilities! Plus it’s Free!


Create displacement maps out of 3D aware layers

Isolate 3D layers for different lighting setups in the same scene

Disable DOF for certain layers

Lens Flare obscuration maps in 3D: For Element 3d

AK新AE插件三维图层预合成脚本 3D Pre-Compose 带第153期教程的图片1

发布日期: 2014-8-13