CG数据库 >> AE透明通道抠像套装 EFX Keying-Alpha Plugin Suite v1.2 (Aescripts) 带教程

一共17个抠像After Effects插件,可以解决很多复杂抠像问题:例如羽化蒙版,结合不同图层蒙版,一键抠图等…


This suite of plugins consists of many tools developed over many years of compositing when off-the-shelf effects in After Effects would not provide satisfactory results.

Some of them solve small problems, like softening an edge of a matte, others evolved into full blown keying solutions.


combine alpha mattes of different layers with one simple effect,

clean an alpha from small speckles left after keying noisy footage or difference matte,

feather a matte edge “outwards” – you don’t lose thin details,

remove a dark edge after keying – this happens when the camera had sharpening turned on,

tell the despiller which pixels he should despill and which to leave alone,

difficult spill case? Just select the pixels with spill on them and use any of the normal AE effects to remove it,

select pixels based on their color, luminosity or even transparency.


Alpha Choke

Alpha Math

Alpha S’n’P

Alpha Select

Alpha Streaks

Color Select

Color Select HSL


Despill Advanced

Despill Brute

Edge Bleed

Edge Blur Keyer


Keyer HSL

Luma Select

Spill Alpha

Despill Brute

兼容性: After Effects CS4, CS5, CS5.5, CS6, CC, CC 2014

AE透明通道抠像套装 EFX Keying-Alpha Plugin Suite v1.2 (Aescripts) 带教程的图片1

发布日期: 2014-8-23