CG数据库 >> C4DR16像素化插件 Remotion4D SuperVoxels 131125 for Cinema4D WIN64



SuperVoxels is plugin for Maxon Cinema4D R14 and R15.

It is multi threaded voxel generator, processing tools for C4D.

It also voxel cloner, tetraeder generator, TP generator, Iso Surface Polygonizer, CSG, even voxel Boolean and more.

Internally it is using powerful OpenVDB library.


将SuperVoxels文件夹拷贝到插件文件夹下*:/Program Files/MAXON/CINEMA 4D R1*/plugins/

如果打开C4D没用的话,就将tbb.dll文件放到*:/Program Files/MAXON/CINEMA 4D R1*\tbb.dll

C4DR16像素化插件 Remotion4D SuperVoxels 131125 for Cinema4D WIN64的图片1

发布日期: 2014-9-14