X-Particles是一个完全新的粒子系统,不需要标准的CINEMA 4D的发射器或思维粒子。
six generator objects – Emitter, Object Generator, Sprite Generator, Trail Generator, Skinner object, and Fragmenter object
very fast particle rendering even with 10s of millions of particles
39 Xpresso nodes
greatly enhanced Python support
new particle Painting tool
three control objects – System, Question, and Action
twenty-seven (count ‘em!) particle modifiers including versions of all the inbuilt modifiers in Cinema and some new ones not provided with C4D as standard
seven tags
greatly enhanced fluid module with wet map generation
particle to scene object and particle to particle collisions
fluid simulation and multiphysics constraints
four shaders – Particle, Sprite, Skin and Wet Map
completely revised and updated caching system
online updater for rapid updates and bug fixes
multithreaded emitter and other components – far faster when using very large particle counts
up to 1 billion particles on screen (if your computer can hack it!)
two commercial versions, Standard and Professional
new Skinner object (Pro version) – forget the old C4D Metaball object!
set of new Xpresso nodes (Pro version)
greatly improved collision system
new SPH fluid simulation and multiphysics (Pro version)
most modifiers enhanced with significant additional features and functionality
Trail object has new algorithms for connecting generated splines
online updating system for rapid updates and bug fixes
new modifiers, including Attractor, Follow Spline, Morph, Rotator, and Wind modifiers
and more….
发布日期: 2014-9-29