CG数据库 >> Cinema 4D制作很生动可爱文本样条变形教程 有弹性加性感


In this tutorial I’m going to show you a really cool workflow for morphing between splines using Cinema 4D.

This kind of spline morphing animation is awesome for using in conjunction your 2D workflow in After Effects by applying a Cel Shader material to your splines.

The nice thing about using the Cel Shader or just flat colors in the Luminance channel of your material is that when you use Cineware, these type of scenes render out super fast as a Cineware layer in After Effects because you’re not doing heavy shadow or shading calculations.

So to begin, I’ll go over the thinking behind the method I chose and how to achieve a nice, smooth spline morph.

Then, I’ll show you how I build a spline that is able to be affected by effectors to morph from one spline shape to another.

I’ll demonstrate how to use the Inheritance Effector to achieve this morph and ways to make your morph look super sexy and bouncy! Finally, I’ll show you an alternate method of using MoSplines to morph and the shortcomings of going that route.

Cinema 4D制作很生动可爱文本样条变形教程 有弹性加性感的图片1

发布日期: 2014-10-9