CG数据库 >> AE快速创建幻灯片效果脚本 Easy Slide Show v1.1 (Aescripts) 带使用教程

AEscripts Easy Slide Show可以快速、轻松地从一个文件夹创建一个图像幻灯片,有大量的控制。




它创建一个After Effects合成后,所以你可以做任何你想要的创建,例如替换图片视频等其他元素。

Create a slide show from a folder of images quickly and easily with lots of controls.

It’s very simple to use, simply select a folder with the images you would like to use for the slide show.

The distribution of images is done circularly in a three-dimensional space and can be easily adjusted and customized.

The number of images is limitless.

It creates an After Effects comp so you can do anything you want after it is created, for example replace the images by other elements such as videos for example.

The basic settings options are provided on the user interface to allow an easy creation of the slide show:

Width and Height : defines the width and height of the images.

Scrolling : defines the axis of scrolling of the images and in which direction.

Speed : applies a running speed up to 10 (very fast).

Show images name : To display the name of the images, either in front or on each image.

Add reflection : creates a reflection of the main composition.

Ram preview : automatically runs a ram preview of the animation.

兼容性: CC 2014, CC, CS6, CS5.5, CS5, CS4, CS3


X:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe After Effects CS6\Support Files\Scripts\ScriptUI Panels


AE快速创建幻灯片效果脚本 Easy Slide Show v1.1 (Aescripts)  带使用教程的图片1

发布日期: 2014-10-15