CG数据库 >> AE快速修复视频闪烁插件 RE:Vision Effects DE:Flicker 1.2.0 for After Effects (Win64)

DE:Flicker 是专拍摄高帧速率或慢速拍摄视频时顺利出那些恼人的闪烁和文物。



DE:Flicker is designed to smooth out those annoying flicker and artifacts when shooting high frame rate or timelapse video.

Whether you are shooting in an arena, a stadium, a park at night, a nightclub or in a home, man-made light sources can cause havoc, especially now that cameras and smart phones are being made with the ability to shoot at higher and higher frame rates.

And of course this functionality is rapidly becoming the favorite of sports enthusiasts everywhere.

Dealing with strobing and light source flicker has been very time consuming until now.

Without DE:Flicker, fixing the problems usually involves creating mattes followed by hand-adjusting the elements.

Fixing a short scene using frame-by-frame color correction and zone corrections could take hours, when it is even possible.

RE:vision Effects DE:Flicker handles these problems automatically while retaining image detail.

DE:Flicker is unique because it not only fixes flicker from artificial light sources but also fixes flicker on multiple objects, even when those objects flicker at different rates.

DE:Flicker also minimizes problems when shooting directly at light sources, causing them to “breathe” and change size when shot at higher frame rates.


Fixes bugs that produce erroneous or blocky results in certain situations.

DE:Flicker HighSpeed: Fixes an issue with Method 6 providing incorrect results.

DE:Flicker Timelapse: The Limit slider has a slightly different response.

AE快速修复视频闪烁插件 RE:Vision Effects DE:Flicker 1.2.0 for After Effects (Win64)的图片1

发布日期: 2014-11-10