CG数据库 >> Maya2014教程 学习电影采用V-Ray创建未来科幻机械角色照明灯光场景照明技术

Digital Tutors – Lighting a Scene for Feature Film with V-Ray in Maya 2014





In this Maya tutorial we’ll explore feature film lighting techniques using V-Ray in Maya and NUKE.

Throughout these lessons we’ll look at the steps required to setup advanced film lighting.

We’ll start by using an image-based lighting setup and four point light setup.

Along the way we’ll use Alembic to export our geometry and camera then we’ll create precomps/lighting comps using NUKE.

By the end of this Maya training you’ll have a solid understanding of the workflows that are required to light a scene in feature film.

Maya2014教程 学习电影采用V-Ray创建未来科幻机械角色照明灯光场景照明技术的图片1

发布日期: 2014-11-25