CG数据库 >> AE教程 使用Particular与Knoll Light Factory制作流星飞逝陨石坠落撞击特效合成

Digital-Tutors – Creating a Meteor VFX Shot in After Effects

在这个After Effects的教程中,您将学习如何创建一个视觉特效陨石坠落效果。

利用红巨星的粒子插件Trapcode Particular和灯光工厂Knoll Light Factory,我们将通过怎样流星效果可以创建并集成到录像的过程。



一旦你完成了这个After Effects的训练,你不仅知道如何实现流星效果,但你也知道如何使用这些技术来创建你自己的镜头你自己的流星效果。

Utilizing plug-ins such as Trapcode’s Particular and Knoll Light Factory, we’ll go through the process of how a meteor effect can be created and integrated into video footage.

We’ll go through the process of creating an alpha matte, tracking our footage, creating a meteor effect with Particular and even work through a technique for converting 3D camera track into 2D data so it can be used with Knoll Light Factory.

We’ll also talk about how we can add in some lens effects and use animation to add polish to the shot.

AE教程 使用Particular与Knoll Light Factory制作流星飞逝陨石坠落撞击特效合成的图片1

发布日期: 2014-12-7