CG数据库 >> 数字光学特效插件详解教程 Lynda Up and Running with Tiffen DFX

Tiffen Dfx拥有超过2000种滤镜特效效果,例如:玻璃过滤器,特殊镜头,专业光效,胶片颗粒,色彩校正,抠像……


Tiffen Dfx offers a suite of professional tools for both photographers and videographers.

You can repair images using techniques that mirror traditional filters and gels, and you can digitally relight video in post for dramatic or subtle effects.

In this course Richard Harrington covers workflows for both photo and video assets.

Learn how to work with Tiffen’s extensive collection of filters, virtual lights, film stock, and presets, and start giving your images and footage the kind of treatments you never thought were possible outside of the studio.


* Running Tiffen Dfx as a video or photo plugin 插件在图片和视频软件中的使用

Choosing a category and a filter 选择一个插件使用

Working with filter presets 使用插件预设

Limiting filters with masks 调整插件参数

Masking for precision 细节优化

Processing film with Film Lab filters 电影滤镜调整

Using the HFX Diffusion filters 使用HFX效果

Correcting color and lens issues 色彩校正和镜头调整

Refining light 光效

Using special effects 特殊效果的使用

数字光学特效插件详解教程 Lynda Up and Running with Tiffen DFX的图片1

发布日期: 2014-12-14