CG数据库 >> Maya教程 制作电影中水下真实效果动画 海底光线、气泡和粒子

Digital-Tutors – Creating Cinematic Underwater Lighting in Maya





Throughout these Maya tutorials we’ll learn how to achieve a cinematic look for an underwater animation.

We’ll cover how to create underwater assets and particles such as bubbles, as well as a caustic pattern to simulate realism.

Next, we’ll animate our bubbles with Soft Body and construct some kelp.

We’ll finish our details with underwater particle creation and secondary lighting.

Finally, we’ll finish the Maya training by learning how to setup V-Ray render settings and composite in NUKE.

Maya教程 制作电影中水下真实效果动画 海底光线、气泡和粒子的图片1

发布日期: 2015-1-1