CG数据库 >> AE教程 形状图形图层动画高级技术视频教程 终极指南

全面讲解After Effects中形状图形图层动画教程,并且很少有人真正了解如何解运动图形强大功能…到现在为止的巨大潜力!

Many animators have been intimidated by the mysterious shape layers in After Effects, and few have truly understood how to unlock the enormous potential they offer to motion graphics…until now!Congratulations, you’ve just discovered The Ultimate Guide to Shape Layers in After Effects!Complete this course and you’ll learn how to take advantage of creating graphics using shape layers in After Effects and unleash the power of operators (where the real magic happens).For the class project you’ll create a minimalist animation inspired by your favorite movie using basic geometric shapes. It’s time to shape up!

AE教程 形状图形图层动画高级技术视频教程 终极指南的图片1

发布日期: 2015-1-13