CG数据库 >> Speedtree Cinema v7.1.1 真实三维树木建模生长动画软件





SpeedTree Cinema轻松地集成了数字内容创建/特效软件,包括

Maya, Houdini, Cinema 4D, 3ds Max, Rhino


Speedtree Cinema v7.1.1提供一个强大的新特性,特殊照相现实主义集,同时提高工作流和节省建模时间来帮助您创建更好、更逼真的树/植被序列。


1. Unified orientation

‘Leaf’ and ‘Spine’ generators/nodes now have this option.

It forces nodes orientations to reverse for nodes on the opposite side of their parent.

This feature makes fern like frond orientation and phyllotaxy structures easier to achieve.

2. Group alignment style

This generation option causes alignment (how the child node is oriented relative to its parent) to be computed individually or shared among all children of that parent.

This feature, combined with “Unified orientation” make phyllotaxy structures easier to achieve.

3. Topology perserved in ‘.obj’ meshes with quads

The topology of ‘.

obj’ files that use quads are now preserved exactly everywhere in the application.

It was possible that imported quad meshes would have their layout changed on import (this is still true of .

fbx imports).

4. Autosave timer reset

The autosave timer now resets after manual saves.

5. Collections work with subdivision surface models

You can now assigned subdivision surface models to collections for use in things like vine growing and branch-to-branch collision avoidance.

6. ‘.spm’ file association moved to the installer

On Windows, file associations are no longer managed in the application.

They are done by the installer or via Windows native mechanisms.

7. ‘Q’ hot key for selection mode

‘Q’ now returns to selection mode from any of the other tool options (translate (‘W’), rotate (‘E’), or Scale(‘R’)).


Speedtree Cinema v7.1.1 真实三维树木建模生长动画软件的图片1

发布日期: 2015-1-23