Digital Anarchy Beauty Box Video是Digital Anarchy公司推出的支持多种软件的降噪磨皮插件,基本属于美肤美容类,功能居多为去粉刺,去黑头,去老年斑。
1.Beauty Box 2在1分钟内让人物年轻了10岁。
Some of the practical and creative features of the Beauty Box Photo plugin include:
Increased Speed:
Beauty Box is up to 600% faster.
By using OpenCL, Beauty Box Photo is super fast on both AMD and Nvidia graphics cards.
Automatic Mask:
The Auto-Mask button automatically creates an underlying mask.
This is brand new in 3.
0 and does an amazing job of accurately selecting skin tones.
Smart Skin Smoothing:
Adjust the skin smoothing effects with three Smoothing controls.
This uses sophisticated algorithms for smoothing the skin areas while retaining the skin texture.
Shine Reduction:
This slider lets you reduce the hot spots caused by bright lights on shiny/sweaty skin.
30+ Preset Styles:
Add a variety of color effects on top of the basic retouching to give your photo a glamour, fashion, or dark and evil look.
Batch Processing:
Let Beauty Box set the mask and smoothing automatically for batch processing.
With the new speed increase, you can retouch up to 900 12mp images an hour.
Great for labs or high volume photographers.
Control Over Mask:
Make changes to the mask with advanced Mask tools (though generally you won’t need to!).
Detail Sharpening:
Use fine-tuning controls to preserve important details like hair, eyelashes and jewelry.
Add Texture:
Bring back skin texture like pore structure that can be lost because of the smoothing.
感谢@Team VR
发布日期: 2015-2-9