CG数据库 >> AE脚本 Bookmarker v1.1 项目工程书签助手工具 带视频教程

AEscripts Bookmarker是一款紧凑型After Effects的工具栏脚本,可以轻松访问您最常访问的项目。

打开After Effects项目,将其保存为书签(Bookmarker)就大功告成了 – 下一次就可以打开,从书签(Bookmarker)的列表项目。


Bookmarker is a compact toolbar for After Effects that makes it easy to access your most visited projects.

Open After Effects project, save it as a bookmark and you’re done – next time you can open that projects from Bookmarker’s list.

Easy as that.


– New: Set multiple machines to read/write same bookmark file;

– New: Save screenshot at current composition time or upload custom one;

– New: Option to optimise screenshot, when saving project preview image;

– Fixed: Tooltip on Windows now says “Reveal in Explorer” instead of “Reveal in Finder”;

– Improved: UI images and screenshots are now saved to separate folders;


– Save project screenshot and comment;

– Launch AE project by double clicking on Bookmark;

– Import multiple projects to current After Effects project;

– Reveal selected bookmark’s project file in finder;

– Edit bookmark – rename, add comment, change screenshot;

– Live search boomarker’s list;

– Re-arrange bookmarks order;

– Delete bookmarks from the list;

– Import multiple After Effects projects to save them as a bookmarks;

– Enable or disable Preview/Comment area of the UI;

– Remove dead bookmarks on startup;

兼容性:After Effects CC 2014, CC, CS6, CS5.5, CS5, CS4, CS3

AE脚本 Bookmarker v1.1 项目工程书签助手工具 带视频教程的图片1

发布日期: 2015-3-11