CG数据库 >> AE视频教程 运动图形特效与关键帧辑器实用性训练视频教程



现在是时候采取下一步行动作为一个漫画家,并了解After Effects图形编辑器的威力!


您是否一直在使用After Effects的几年,或者你才刚刚开始学习程序,这个类将很容易跟随。


You’ve learned the basics. Keyframes are in your toolbox. Now it’s time to take the next step as an animator and unleash the power of After Effects’ graph editor!

This class is for anyone looking to take control of the look and feel of their motion design.

Whether you’ve been using After Effects for years, or you’ve only just started learning the program, this class will be easy to follow along.

I’ll teach you everything you need to know about easing in and out of of every bit of motion you create, and help you develop an aesthetic that will make your work stand apart from others’.


AE视频教程 运动图形特效与关键帧辑器实用性训练视频教程的图片1

发布日期: 2015-3-24