CG数据库 >> AE脚本 MochaImport+ V5.1 导入Mocha运动跟踪数据工具脚本

MochaImport+ V5简化了mocha 和 After Effects工作流程。

更准确地说,它可以帮助发送你的视频到mocha进行跟踪,然后复制mocha跟踪数据回到After Effects。

Simplifies the workflow between mocha and After Effects.

More precisely, it helps you send your footage to mocha and then to apply the mocha tracking data back in After Effects in whatever way you want.

MochaImport+ V5.1新功能:

– added keyframe button

– added “keep current frame” option

– added support for Reposition Parameters of RG Warp in Stabilized Precomps

– always remember corner pin / stabilized precomp effect that has been used last time

– bug fixes


复制脚本粘贴到…\Adobe After Effects CS*\Support Files\Scripts\ScriptUI Panels



After Effects CC 2014, CC, CS6, CS5.5, CS5, CS4, CS3


AE脚本 MochaImport+ V5.1 导入Mocha运动跟踪数据工具脚本的图片1

发布日期: 2015-5-6