在这个Maya教程中,我们学习Maya 2015中的子弹物理系统,子弹撞击雕像,破碎成超过2000片碎片
1 Introduction and project overview
2Discussing Bullet physics
3 Exploring different types of dynamics
4 Learning about Bullet Solver
5 Discussing Rigid Sets
6 Analyzing assets
7 Shattering the model
8 Importing and preparing our model
9 Dividing groups
10 Setting up rigid sets
11 Increasing quality of our solve
12 Adjusting the shatter effect
13 Exporting simulation as an Alembic cache
14 Importing Alembic files
15 Setting up lights, background and shaders
16 Converting our Alembic nodes
17 Creating additional particles
18 Generating dust effect
19 Viewing our final result
发布日期: 2015-5-12