Arnold 的设计构架能很容易地融入现有的制作流程。
它建立在可插接的节点系统之上,用户可以通过编写新的 shader、摄像机、滤镜、输出节点、程序化模型、光线类型以及用户定义的的几何数据来扩展和定制系统。
Arnold 构架的目标就是为动画及 VFX 渲染提供完整的解决方案。
本次视频教程专门学习C4D中Arnold渲染器,Arnold To Cinema 4D简写为C4DtoA。
We’ve brought you one of our top-notch-expert Mentors, Mr.
Chris Tedin, and he will be guiding you through the process using Arnold with Cinema 4D to achieve some excellent results in a variety of scenarios with this special video.
We will start off by giving you a quick rundown of the basic integration of Arnold into Cinema 4D and then we’ll cover a wide range of topics including standard materials, lights, the sky shader, HDRI lighting, subsurface scattering, volumetrics, the skin shader, displacement maps, and so much more.
Use this video to enhance your knowledge and put yourself a step ahead of the competition.
链接: 密码: 2cn6
发布日期: 2015-5-23